Chase the Greats - Series 5
Chase the Greats Release Day is always pure craziness and we love every second of it!
Our last 4 series of Chase the Greats have all been an overwhelming success and this series will be the best yet..
For Chase the Greats 5 it will be 1 hit per box with a price tag of $150!
We produced 100 boxes for this series of CTG and we are confident that you will love this product!
There is one card in this product that has a Book Vaule of $4800 (Not announced, we like surprises)
We have a mixture of Premium hits, High End hits, Mid End hits and of course our big Chase Cards.
Chase the Greats will Release on Sunday, May 27th!!
* Check out our gallery of some nice hits from the product. There’s plenty of surprises we didn’t release yet as well!
Chase the Greats 5 Chaser
Chase the Greats 5 Chaser
Chase the Greats 5 Chaser
Chase the Greats 5 Chaser
Chase the Greats 5 Chaser - 1 of 1
Chase the Greats 5 High End Hit
Chase the Greats 5 High End Hit
Chase the Greats 5 High End Hit
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